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Order Form

Please complete the details below or send an email with your details

If you wish to order Crufts Qualifier Medals please fill in the details below.

Engraved Crufts Qualifier Medal (including presentation case) - £41.50 (including uk delivery)
Crufts Qualifier Medal (no engraving, including presentation case) - £31.50 (including uk delivery)
Delivery to non-uk address -(including p&p) £51.50 (no engraving, including presentation case) - £41.50
We accept,PayPal and cheques.
Upon receipt of your order we will contact you by email or telephone to confirm the order.
Important Notes;
Medals are available from the year 2001 to the present.
Please complete the name of your dog in the boxes below in CAPITAL LETTERS - names will only be engraved in capital letters.
Up to three lines, each consisting of up to 16 letters can be engraved.
Please ensure that spaces between words are obvious.
Please note that all punctuation marks (commas, full stops etc)
and spaces are classed as a single character.
Each line will be centred.

Medal Year (Year of Crufts Show - available from 2001 to present)
First Line (16 characters maximum)
Second Line (16 characters maximum)
Third Line (16 characters maximum)

Copyright (c) 2008 DMJ Enterprizes. All rights reserved.
(no engraving, including presentation case) - £23.50